by Robert Lanza (Editor), E. Donnall Thomas (Editor), James Thomson (Editor), Roger Pedersen (Editor), John Gearhart (Editor), Brigid Hogan (Editor), Douglas Melton (Editor), Michael West (Editor) This abridged version of the bestselling reference Handbook of Stem Cells, Two-Volume Set attempts to incorporate all the essential subject matter of the original two-volume edition in a single …

What if life isn’t just a part of the universe… what if it determines the very structure of the universe itself? For thousands of years we’ve looked to the sky and gods for answers. We landed on the moon—and even flung a piece of metal outside the solar system. But despite the development of super-proton-antiproton-synchrotrons, …

Why in the world do we exist? What sustains us in and above the void of nothingness? A series of experiments hold the answer. I recall an ordinary day that made this obvious. Everyone was already at the hospital making morning rounds. “It doesn’t matter,” I thought as I scraped a patch of ice crystals …

Lanza’s new book “The Grand Biocentric Design” provides a complete explanation of the science behind all this―and the astounding fact that time, space, and reality itself all ultimately depend upon us.

For over 300,000 years we’ve looked to the sky and gods for answers. We landed on the moon and even flung a piece of metal outside the solar system. But despite the development of super-proton-antiproton-synchrotrons, and now, superconducting-supercolliders that contain enough niobium-titanium wire to circle the earth sixteen times, we have no more of an …

Many of us fear death. We believe in death because we’ve been told we’ll die. We associate ourselves with the body, and we know that bodies die. But a new scientific theory suggests death isn’t the end. One well-known aspect of quantum physics is that certain observations can’t be predicted absolutely. Instead, there’s a range …

In a bid to harness the potential of embryonic stem cells, surgeons in California have implanted lab-grown retinal cells into the eyes of two patients going blind from macular degeneration. The procedures were carried out on Tuesday by Steven Schwartz, chief of the retina division at the Jules Stein Eye Institute at the University of …

by Robert Lanza (Editor), Robert Langer (Editor), Joseph P. Vacanti (Editor) The first edition of the book, published in 1997, is the definite reference in the field. Since that time, however, the discipline has grown tremendously, and few experts would have been able to predict the explosion in our knowledge of gene expression, cell growth …

May 23 & 30, 2011 Stem cells from embryos may finally cure patients—reviving a bitter debate. By Sharon Begley Stem cells are taken from donated human embryos, then grown in a lab until they differentiate into cells that can treat macular degeneration. Stem cells, it seems, have become almost as ubiquitous in medicine as stethoscopes. …

“Evolution Reigns But Darwin Outmoded” Robert Lanza and Deepak Chopra This article was published October 5, 2009 in: The San Francisco Chronicle The Hufffington Post Beliefnet Monday, October 5, 2009 This year, the world celebrated Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday. But now that all the backslapping is nearing an end, it may be time to reflect …